
Archive for February 15th, 2012

Valentine Greetings to Everyone!

On this Valentine’s Day, I am reminded of the love
we share with one another, in all the large and small ways.

A kind look, a gentle comment or gesture for instance
can show our love.  The ways we care for our animals
and the love we share with them helps us open
and be with our hearts.

As my horse Ibis approaches 30 years of age in April, and experiences the ups and downs of his very elder years, we have entered a very precious time.

Though this relationship is very much between horse and person, the last 25 years of being with this amazing being is filling me with awe.

Gone are the days when we would be at odds with one another about how we each wanted to do things-differently!  Phew, it has been a long and winding, sometimes very rocky road!

All the more sweet now however.  I so deeply appreciate the gentleness and sweetness that he shows and we have together now.  As I was feeding him this morning for instance, and applying
his essential oils and TTouch to ease his aches and pains, he glanced
back at me and we rested together, a tender gentle moment of
appreciation and love between us.  It is indeed a precious time.

So I bid each and every one of you a special, tender thanks on
this Valentines Day for also being in my life, and for sharing “The Love.”

At the request of a very good friend, I am sending out the video I
made last Valentine’s Day – “The Love Fest of Life”

Last year I had asked everyone on the One Heart list to send in pics
of themselves and their loved ones.  This video is how all those pics and
love came together-  Enjoy!


And, here are some local upcoming events;
Saturday February 18, 2012 from 1-3pm
The Animal Connection Charlottesville, VA.
Free Lecture and demonstration using Essential Oils and
Tellington TTouch. I’ll be talking about how these
methods have been used with dogs, cats and horses.

Saturday March 24, 2012  1pm Lecture and Demonstration
Essential Oils and Tellington TTouch for Jefferson Area
Licensed Vet Techs, Charlottesville, VA.
Contact: Ronnie  jayron@nexet.net

Please share and pass along this information to anyone
that might be interested.


Let the love you have with your animals overflow
to everyone in your life,

Sandy and the One Heart Critters
Ibis, Zoey & Haley

Sandy Rakowitz has 20+ years of experience in the field of Holistic Wellness.

You are invited to explore One Heart Healing Center for People and Animal’s educational offerings. When you go to my site there is much information awaiting you. Here you have free access to listen to previous classes and when you sign up for the One Heart Newsletter you will receive free updates, tips, see what new classes are coming up and other goodies. Sandy Rakowitz has 20+ years of experience in the field of Holistic Wellness through live, telephone and skype private sessions and via live and online classes.

http://www.onehearthealingcenter.com 434-973-8864

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